

The Ten Amendments of Life
1. Life is meaningless but at the same time important.

2. Life is precious as you only get one of it.

3. We always decide what happens in our lives whether if it's the past, present or the future.

4. Everything that you hear is not true, some maybe false and some maybe half true and half false, but believe in full truth.

5.There are people who support you and your life and there are also people who want to get you at your lowest and try to make you feel worthless.

6. All forms of life is necessary and important just because it is a tiny ant or a giant elephant doesn't mean it is just for entertainment.

7.Rich, Poor, different races and whatever happens betweenus we all are still humans.

8.People get to decide what they want to be, we are here to either encourage them or leave them to be themselves.

9. We have to maintain our health and body so we could experience everything that is meant for us.

10.Tules are made for us by us so that we won't cross our own limits.

I hope that you felt the important of your life and I hope you to be well and happy forever.