

The beauty that stinks
Don't get blinded
and don't get affected
by the beauty that fascinates
by the beauty that captivates.
It is powerful
and it is "flowerful".
The smiles that shines
the eyes that flutters,
with the shape of perfection
everything is your attention.

But don't get fooled
to the beauty of the sinful
to the looks of the siren
to whatever is yours full.
Oh what a great opportunity
why not walk with it's serenity?
That's a big no no
for it is like a domino
with many sides
many false hopes.

Should you believe in a single sight?
Not knowing deeper
not knowing what lies beneath,
the fake and the real
combined, looked natural
oh what a power of a beauty,
to hide what's true
and to hide what's poo.
It stinks.
