

bDarkness falls with a chill in the air,
My mind begins to wander.
What's that scratching sound I hear
Disturbing me before my slumber?

I search the dark, dust-mote corners,
But nothing do I find.
Will Lucifer come to haunt me later?
Or is it simply in my mind?

Possibly it’s a crazed cat gone awry,
Just attempting to get in.
Wanting to take my breath away.
When will the devil begin?

Or perhaps it’s a gigantic rat I hear,
Who’ll be climbing in my window soon.
Rising up behind him, in attack,
The black-blue full moon.

Driving me crazy, possibly insane,
I need to end these queries.
But my mind has a life of its own, it seems,
And continues with its theories.

So I finish the bottle of whiskey I have,
All smokey with French oak.
The nightmares I have of cats and rats,
Will have disappeared once I've awoke.

All Rights Reserved © Buffy Lee 2017
© Buffy Lee