

What if I told you that MAN is an acronym?

What if I told you, Morning, Afternoon, Night is actually the full meaning

What if I told you that time is ticking fast

And because you might have in time past wallowed in sin doesn't mean you can't step out

If I may ask, what time do you reside

Is it morning, afternoon or night

Like an baby is born so is the break of dawn

Morning is a time to sow

Dedicating your time and energy even as you grow

But then, what you utilise your energy for is vital

If it isn't glorifying God then it is not substantial

Before the sun sets in

There's need for you to be found spotless blameless and clean

Jesus is indeed coming soon

For after morning, comes afternoon

Even while it's noon there's need that you equip yourself with scriptures

Take out time to keenly study God's word be it at work or even in leisure

For if you give the devil attention he sure will give you direction

Look unto Jesus, make him your foundation

He knew you before your birth, he existed before creation

And for you whose life is in afternoon

Remember that the flexibility of your youth will fade away soon

You can be youthful but for things if God's kingdom there's need that you be useful

Remember your creator in the days of your youth, for the night commeth when no man should work

Let your heart be soft to repentance and not as hard as a rock

While it's noon you feel the heat of the sun the most

And so expect temptations and trials but when by God's grace you scale through there's no need that you boast

Let no man despise thy youth but be ye an example

Let's God's word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path and you'll be called his disciple

Certainly, after afternoon comes night

And so ensure that with God's word you continually ignite the light

Stand firm, hold on to that which is right

Because with Jesus, you'll see perfection in sight

One thing is vital to mention

Day and night are on two opposite spectrum

Early in the morning Jesus was risen

But like a thief in the night shall be his second coming

No man knows when he shall come

Are you prepared for his coming or you're still dwelling in sin all in the name of fun?

The ball is in your court to either choose day or night

The big question is what connection does darkness have with light?

While Satan is darkness, Jesus is light

Go for Jesus, go for a brighter life!

The place he has gone to prepare for you and I is a place of celebration and laughter, a place where you'll never cry

Back to the point, would you prefer wrong to right?

Or would you prefer day to night

He truly is willing to be with you all step of the way, all you need do is beckon on Him today!

© Abraham Omorogiuwa