

Papa's princess..
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

Papa's Princess..

To my father, my existence is a painful reminder,
He would drink himself day and night,
hit me with his belt every night,
and soon enough he forgot I was his daughter.

My heart broke the first time he hit,
but soon enough I realized he needed the release,
he just wanted to believe,
that I was the root of his disease,
so I let him free.

I let him ease himself,
if it made him happy then it was worth the stress and the pain I felt.

I let him think it didn't hurt,
I received every strike with a smile
and hoped it would end soon,
but the sonner I waited the longer it went..

after every episode,
he would try to apologies,
words never came out,
but I saw the desire in his eyes,
he would cover it with a broad smirk,
that was often followed with something not so bad,
behold a slap to my right cheek,
it was often softer and more composed,
felt like something in him really opposed,
but it was his way of saying,
he loved me still.

I'll go straight to my solitude,
my hard bed was my serene,
it was the only place he wouldn't hear,
hear me cut myself as I teared.

Shortly before I close my eyes,
I would stear at my reflection to see howfar,
howfar he had damaged me,
and how much more I could take in.

But deep within I knew it was only a matter of time,
and my life was snatched before my eyes,
but before then I'll send a wish to the stars,
so when I leave my warmth would be his comfort and guide.

© deola_amope