

A long dance ahead of us🌹🌙
One of my old choreographers that I worked with during a dance company this summer said to me “keep loving yourself, it looks great on you.”
I was so confused at first.
I have never heard that before in my life.
I never really told myself that I loved myself.
But then I started to understand that it wasn’t about me saying “I love myself.”
It was about me believing that I loved myself.
And it was even more about me actually loving myself and for years I’ve struggled with loving myself.
So for someone to say that to me made me feel like some of the inner work I’ve been doing for myself is being shown through the way I carry myself and do my best to take care of myself.
Loving yourself is not just something you say.
Loving yourself is something you must do.
Self love is an action thing.
Self love is not just a word or some fancy phrase to throw around easily especially if there’s no truth to it.
The truth is all in our actions.
Our actions will reveal if we love ourselves or not and people will notice it even if we don’t.

I was once told “how can you love me when you don’t even love yourself?”
And that was a great point.
How could I love someone else when I didn’t even love myself?
Loving myself has been one rocky journey nonetheless.
But each day I take day by day I learn that the way I treat myself matters. The way I pour into myself matters because if I don’t do that for myself it’ll be impossible for me to do it for someone else.

I learned that if I’m not showing up as my best self for myself I can’t show up as my best self for anyone else. So, I’ve really been working on that. And it really warms my heart when others see my growth even when I can’t.
Self love is not just a choreography routine you learn and never do or use again.
Self love is an everlasting dance and as long as we’re still breathing we have a long dance ahead of us.


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