

Why am I a human
Is there anyone in this world who really is real ?
Any relation pure ?
Anyone out there who is just there, just there for you without a reason, without a cause just cause he wants to be near you , with you .
Not because you give him something , or because he is forced to but just because of you , for you .
Is there any relation this pure ?
Can we have a friend like this , who just loves spending time with you and is not with you for his own specific purpose ?
A parent who is raising you not because you are his responsibility , because one day you will make his dreams come true but because you are a piece of them and they just simply love you ?
A lover who doesn't love you because you satisfy his different wants , but because being by your side just makes his day , you are his life ?
Are all these kind of relationships just made to look good in books n movies .
Doesn't a thing like this even exist?
Don't know anyone even thought of this and why this bothers me so much.
Maybe I just landed in the wrong world.

© Isa...