

Running Away

Her eyes gleamed with the light 
Of her inner strength,
She had walked miles,
Not worried about the length,

Her head compelling
her to percievere.
She knew this goal was very near
This challenge now she had to complete
Moving forward was no mean feat

Years of turmoil left behind
A brand new life was hers to find
Her mind raced as she travelled this lonely road
What would it be like her new abode

This beaten path had taken it's toll
Her body rigid as a whole
A country pub came into sight
And this was where she'd spend the night

A glowing fire a welcoming smile
Made all her walking so worth while
Alas there too was a sense of fear
A presence firmly felt right here

As darkness fell the small crowd scattered
Sleep deprived her of what mattered
Little did she know that night
Her past caught up and was prepared to fight

A scream from the landlord rang aloud
This gentle woman needs a shroud
A change of name and idendity
No bother at all t'was said to me

A clever soldier came her way
And quickly helped her get away
His horse he rode without any fear
Her destination was it was unclear

Hours passed and dawn was due
This stranger became a friend so true
A hiding place he did enquire
Would simply put her under fire

As dawn approached a hut was found
Upon a path through sacred ground
The soldier walked along by her side
This was the place where she would hide

With a heavy he bade farewell
This story now was hers to tell
Why she no longer had to run
Her new attire, she was a nun!