

You are one of the pure bounties of nature,
Nevertheless calm, satisfying and content,
The more I tend to learn, the lesser it seems to be,
Moving free and with glee,
The world reflects in your lap,
That is how magnificently you let everyone in trap,
Your courage is your power,
Your every move is rippled with endless emotions,
Somewhere passing by merrily,
While aggressively the other way,
Coots and herns are your partners in crime,
Wonderous is your act of mime,
I wonder how the blue changes to green,
Then to white which is serene,
Into my eyes you come as tears,
When as flood, trembles everyone with fear,
Your presence is blissful,
Be it a splash or a spray,
You set your own array,
You are the one who takes away all the fray,
Your charm is such that moves me along,
Which asks me to write it for long,
A divine power with no end,
Aqua, is your name in the trend!!
© Heart Express@Nidhi