

My Siblings
They can get on my nerves,
Most times, they can be really annoying,
But I love having them around.

We fight 'our heads out', even for he smallest things,
But in just about the shortest seconds we settle our differences.

We tell on each other a lot,
Still we keep each others' secrets so well.

We tease each other a lot,
Yet we fear for each others' sake.

We love staying together just as much as we love picking on each other

We have our differences,
We have our struggles.

We fight for each other, more than we fight within ourselves
We defend each other,
We protect each other.

We love to grow together,
We radiate love in it's bits, even without knowing it.
We look up to each other, even without knowing it.

We are brothers,
We are sisters,
We are best friends,
We are Siblings, and we love each other.
Let Love Reign.
@Chinwe #siblings
© God'sgift Benaiah