

A coat of obscurity
Transformed into an apparition.
Stepped with delibeateness
Entering into the room.

Soft feet soles
Musical if you listen to the still air
Caress the walls while she walk
Tinkering around
Watching him.
Wanting him.

Lying in his soft crypt
His perfect body cradled
Gently straddle, she kiss his breaths
Teleportation to another dimension
He awakens suddenly.

Eyes widened mouth a gap.
A drowning man Gasping for air
In an invisible torrent of touch.
He sits up touching his lips
And smiles.

She smiles
As she knows his thoughts
Exposed her
At it's source.
She sees the Nostalgia in his eyes.

She walks away evaporated
Leaving a trail of tears
For with his heart
He may choose to follow
And come back

© Willows