

Salt chuck Love
In the patio of submarines,
There shades depth of oceans from hue to blues and greens,
As torrents of rainy hazes preceding lies a no emotion of heart-racing bumps, like lumps of voids take over as no anchors leave a carcass lying deep bed of brine as corrals to seaweeds cling onto something that is woven of flesh but a longing hanging in between the two universe lies a soul for its disgruntled desires lament for longings but dwelling with a lover's goodbye note as sweeps of dust trolls in between unnoticed by the precious longing being, whispering names of grief,
"Have you forgotten on the touch felt?"
Transparency yelled required justification but hidden by covetousness by someone known put spade on back to oozing bleed, riding on the pride of creativity of misunderstanding between two parted loved hearts, and as the soul's howls and whimpers nobody except ripples far away from the ocean feels or a horizon swept love-struck sunkissed but shamed for just an illusionary moment if the only lover knew the mystic behind the suicide note.
If only black downpours were glimpsed for felt tragic but merciless time-framed a something lost between deep depth oceans maybe forever and ever.

© Soni Mirchandani