

America The Great
It's the madness and the screaming!
It's the anger blinding me,
I'm fucking seething!

Have you seen what's going on in the world today?!
Have you seen all this ridiculous bitterness and hate?!
Have you seen the cops shooting the innocent?
Have you seen the rioters taking and looting, as though it's significant?

Are you angered at all? Are you mad that George Floyd took the fall?
Are you upset at the lack of equality? Does it make you rage knowing how it actually should be?

How it should be a place where we all live in peace,
One where everyone can lay their head back, and not worry about the police.
Where you can go to the store, and not worry about some looting asshole who might burn it down, claiming it's an eyesore.

But you know what bothers me most of all? The fact we have a president who is excited by it all.
One who cowers in a bunker,
who then threatens military violence, and won't stop until there is complete silence.

This is America today,
This is my home, where I stay.
This is where I lay my head,
This is where I fear seeing live what I just read.

Every day seems worse and worse,
Every day feels like a sick curse.
But maybe it really is for the good of it all,
Maybe this will help bring equality to one and all.
But right now, it's scary, and everything seems so contrived and unnecessary..
There's the extreme on both sides, and they make it worse, causing many to die.

Let's all take a moment of silence, for the victims of all this violence.

Thank you.