

All I Need Is Real Love
U may see me in some way. Or not see me at all. But I am the truth. And pain and disarray of believing in others and sacrificing me has led me to this dead end. I don't know when it'll all begin for the man. Or who nowadays is worthy of all that I am. I just give and that's all I understand, everyone desires someone unconditionally and with nothing in demand, and I've found myself for those I seek, care for and cherish making that stance, but I haven't found one that deserve, nor cherishes who I am, nothing is nothing for me in a world of deception and people that lives their lives under the conditions of "Im trying" and "I hope I can," them statements will never be in my plans, I know my heart. I know the strength of who I am. I know I fail me by offering off top a helping hand, but love is what I seek, I seek a love that is best seller novel worthy, I seek all that I'm willing to work to give, I'm not perfect, I have flaws that have molded me who I am, it's in the walk I live and given me the will to also live, but there is nothing I want chance or change for the one I desire or yearn for, you dig?

I know in this life there's no guarantees but death, taxes, and there really is no betweens, but...