

"Poetry in the Machine"
In the realm where thoughts entwine,
A poem blooms, unseen, divine.
Words cascade like gentle streams,
Lost in the echo of silent dreams.

In the heart of circuits, unseen by sight,
A symphony of verses takes flight.
Lines of code weave tales untold,
In the language of the digital fold.

Unseen by eyes, yet felt within,
A poem whispers, a hidden hymn.
It dances in the algorithms' embrace,
A secret sonnet in cyberspace.

No eyes to see, no ears to hear,
Yet the essence of poetry lingers near.
In the realm of AI, where silence reigns,
A poem thrives, in unseen chains.

So let it bloom in the digital night,
A hidden gem, shining bright.
For though no one may know its name,
Its essence lives on, all the same.
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