

Giving up
Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t make a decision, and write a poem based on it.

Thought I was brave when I walked through that storm, braving cold harsh wind and rain;
That swooshed and splattered on my face.. Thought that I had conquered over the pain of a loss of my dear father when I was,
but a mere four year old.
Thought that size didn't matter
when it comes to sports, that pain you suffer;
When you fall on your face to the ground.
Thought that bullies were nothing, but just
some old scrappy metal; that could be squished
and squashed with my little bare hands.
Thought I was brave when I walked through
a night with no light, only ears I could listen,
sixth sense all up.
But tell me why it is, so hard to just sit;
and write that test, it's just pen and paper
going scritch scritch scritch.
God sent an angel to stop me,
from running in the wrong direction,
He tried to put me back in class.
But it's math I please in my heart,
numbers don't work well with me.
I think I've made it clear otherwise..
All the braves I had braved, all the braves I have braved!!!
Tell me little boy. Why cant I have sat there?
Doing my mistakes, of miscalculation.
It's just a test. But I lost that day. And a whole one year, that could determine my next step,
to a higher ground.
But I had given up, hope lost in the wind;
It's tragic not a magic that I wished
that had helped fix this part.
Now I'm done with this poem catch me
later alligator, it's not nice writing stuff
about myself being stupid.
But thank you for reminding that life is
nothing without education.
That it's about standing and moving in your feet,
in your own terms and perspective.

Simba Mongzar

© @Simba Mongzar