

Till it bore full
Till it bore full,
Let's bouncing it on the ground,
Until the skin goes dull,
Be careful on your surround,

The red apples and carpet,
And gazing star as always,
Whom become their puppet,
To play a role in all colourway,

As it raising of its vogue,
The instant news play with tongue,
Hiding the facts from its league,
And tell beautiful lies in all langue,

Till it bore full,
Don't forget to cut it into slices,
And dressing it with spices,
That give you a vibe of satisfices,

The strip of fanclub flag,
Torn apart little by little,
They still hear those stalag,
To make all things get settle,

Little do we know,
What the star had been through,
With a cold way like snow,
That frozen their foot enough,
Into the world of puppet show,

© writerturk