

Teach Me Earth
Teach Me Earth
By Emma Campbell

Earth teach me self respect
As a mother bird in a storm feeding her young ones.
Earth teach me love
As a mother and father chimpanzee raising their young.
Earth teach me respect
As the mighty lion who roars into the sky.
Earth teach me kindness
As the tall tree which provides for all.
Earth teach me trust
As the deer who drinks from the stream.
Earth teach me acceptance
As the newcomer of a wolf pack is welcomed.
Earth teach me patience
As the leopard waits in the shadows for his prey.
Earth teach me self control
As the young bird learns to fly.
Earth teach me care
As the mother bear protects her cubs.
Earth teach me awareness
As the rabbit runs away from the fox.
Earth teach me strength
As the strong tide pulls me in.
Earth teach me honesty
As the sky gives signals for a storm.
Earth teach me happiness
As a baby elephant playing in the water.
Earth teach me peace
As the quiet of the desert.
Earth teach me forgiveness
As a fish is released back into the water.
Earth teach me my role in life
As a squirrel climbing back into his tree.
Earth teach me life
As a sunflower spreads its seeds for more to grow.

© EmmaCampbellc