

The Mystery Man
He is, the mystery man.
Walking at night.
He is the mystery man.
Always out of sight.

The mystery man, is odd
he comes at night, leaves at dawn.
The mystery man, is as tall as a rod
He is all brains, no brawn.

We spend our time, you and I,
thinking, "Who is the mystery man?"
Is he a cop? a doc? or a spy?
Does he drive a bus? a car? or a van?

The world needs the mystery man.
He makes us all feel safe.
The mystery man always has a plan.

He is always there,

Some say, we don't need the mystery man,
they say he is a nuisance.
Others say, since he came,
life has been an improvement.

He does not seek glory,
He does not seek fame.
He only seeks a place in someone's story,
to be remembered, but never by name.

Thank you to those who try to make people's lives better, even if they don't know it. Thank you to all the "mystery men".
© A.Nabeel