

He came to meet me
He came to meet me,
then I don't know why loneliness,
at which point I moved my feet,
my love is with you,
this moment my fight is with God,
my lover is breaking my faith.
You are sad, I am angry with myself,
I am angry with myself,
I am indifferent to the place,
so no such voice has entered my mind,
why have you kept me silent for so long,
the sound of love has started ringing of faith
I Don't know why I think in this empty time,
you have given me the tune,
now you have fired yourself,
how long will you remain silent for me,
this moment of love has come,
the trumpet of faith has come,
he came to meet me,
then don't know why loneliness,
at what point will love take you?
© newton