

Idk who you are, but I will save you a seat
​Idk who you are but , I will listen to your story .

Tell me abt those tears that don't roll down your eyes , tell me abt all those nights you stayed up dying inside.

Which bird's song makes you smile, what colour gives a gleam in your eyes .

Which seasons do you look forward to and have you ever tried to catch frogs.

What food is your favourite and have you ever tried pasta with no sauce .

What's the worst bet you have ever made and the worst loss that you have faced , was it a person or was it a feeling in your brain .

Idk who you are , but we have probably crossed the same streets .

Idk who you are , but our hearts beat the same beat .

I can keep not knowing you and we can keep being away , go on being miserably ignorant and living our days .

But, even though I might not know who you are , I think I would like to try .I would like to know you before I give you a goodbye.

We both don't know eachother and have countless stories to share , sharing anecdotes and laughing a laugh so rare .

I have a lot to tell you and you have a lot to listen , so let's start now and lets start tonight.

Let's skip these walls and run towards the dying sun , catch that train which leads nowhere , hold hands through the thorny forests and walk that road which seems to have no end .

It's a long journey before I get to know who you are , so let's pack and promise to stand at the end of the rainbow, beyond the horizon is where we will meet .

You bring yourself and I will ride my unicorn cause even though we are strangers and idk who you are ,

I will save you a seat .

© melody