

I lost you too soon,
Your time with me was limited,
A mere 59 days,
But thankful that you visited.

People said it happens to many,
Citing data that it is common,
But in my heart you'll forever stay,
And will NEVER be forgotten.

Every second with you,
Was a whole life in its own,
All 75,16,800 of them,
Obliviously blithe to the unknown.

The pain that I went through,
Not all will understand,
For them it was, like waves washing over,
Your repudiated name in the sand.

They even said that probably,
The time wasn't right,
I tried so hard to keep you alive,
With every mustered ounce of my might.

Not comprehending the loss I felt,
They said may be it was for the best,
Your fate and my destiny had put me through,
Such an aweful, miserable, and gruesome test.

The fights that pursued because of others,
Caused so much stress,
Took your life away from me,
What a chaotic mess!!!

A part of me left with you,
That will never return,
It was such an agony,
The flame will forever burn.

The guardian angel that you are now,
Watch over your precious gift,
You sent your sibling down to me,
Giving my spirit a much needed lift.

I hope you are in a better place,
With elders watching over you,
Stay safe and happy there my darling,
Untill we are reunited anew.

Till then my love, we'll tred different paths,
Me, down here, you, the starry canopy,
With double the hoarded love to give,
To Prashvi, from me, and my precious Poppy!

© Prachi Shukla - The Untamed

A miscarriage is heartbreaking, no matter at which stage. Some women take it in a stride citing that it happens to many. Some, like me, feel the pain of it like tidal waves breaking on the shore. It took me almost a year and a half to talk about Poppy openly. It would have been her/his first birthday today. For me, Poppy was as alive as you and me - couldn't sense things, couldn't respond, but was still growing! It was a colossal loss, at a very difficult stage in my life. I am so so so grateful for having Prashvi in my life now, but the love, the hope, the dreams that I had for Poppy, the loss, the pain, all remain alive in my heart.
Happy first to you my love. Stay there under the protection of my Naanis, and wait for me...meanwhile I'll be the shield for Prashvi, that I couldn't be for you.