

Robin's Child: "Though I Lost You"
Though I lost you,
and I was so blue about the mystery
of where you went and flew,
it broke my heart and two,
the same day.

It sound silly,
but it's true,
in those branches
in those moments
I grew to care for you.

Spiritually, I adopted another
so, though I was small,
I consoled that chick as if it were you.
I taught it manners,
and showed
what is right and wrong
complete with ps and qs.

There were teas
with other little chicks so jolly
we laughed and we played
those days weren't meloncholy,
and I actually couldn't remember
the tangible you,

'til years later prompts
amidst things that had me stumped,
and it took me a very long time
to configure
about where you had romped
how you had tromped
sometimes my thoughts were swamped,
with many confusing elements
that must be transfigured.

Just as then, I wish for you
half in play and half realitywise, too
like what a mother wishes for her son
as I'm the sentimental sort, it's true.

It may seem
as much as you've screamed
I could never forgive you,
but I know you were confused
been toxed up and abused
and don't completely understand
what you do
as you're just another sentient being, too.

You're really good at flying
tweeting, chirping, and vying
I hope all is as well as it would seem.

So I am cautious
but still have prayers
life for you
to be more like a tortoise
and less like a hare,
wildly moved
in a race against time
for birds that do dare
to excel and wind climb.

I know I must let go.
Childhood's past so,
you must go,
To soar on freely with your life.
Let's soar high,
and make the most while alive.

© Kaylene Peters