

My Crashed Heart
Today, a face of the past invaded.
Her aurora emits a temptation of nations.
I can't suppress the creation of sensations.

Her enchanting voice runs through my ears.
I got caught thinking we'd create such a lovely pair.
She's the one, laughing over there...

In my fantasies, she is the sweetest little thing.
In reality, she is meaner than the Queen.

Royale and supposing.
Artificial and hollow.
Spoiled and imposing.
Edges too sharp to swallow.

Just one glance from you and my heart flew.

The skies bleed withheld words.
Dark clouds strike prohibited cords.
The forecast foretells a script of the forbidden.
Magical stories descend from the heavens.
The clock's rampant hands rage in reverse.

Eyes welded shut.
Forcing every breath.
Tangled in red tape.
From the pressure, I can't escape.

A passing spark.
Lights winking love.
You crashed into my heart.
It was an intersection of blood.

My heart lives...
Inside of our muffled steps.
Constantly reliving...
Your history of thefts.

This isn't a phase.
I cling onto every phrase.
I can't avert my gaze, from your covert haze.

Folded corners, turned inwards.
It burns.
It stings.
It's all the little things.

Thoughts smolder around the campfire as the smoke towers higher.
The night creeps to a close, seeping ghosts.

Teary eyed.
The rising tide.
Swept high.

I peer into time asking for you to wait.
I can't read your mind, and it's forcing me to find an escape.

© HeartCrash