

world vs family
if you ever want to hurt your self PHYSICALLY for mental issues...
for heart break or stress..
please stop doing so....
you have fight fire with fire,
spend time with your family or friends that cheer you up..or we have our MUSIC.. everybody's best friend..
try to deal the issue in the same way...if your hurting yourself physically it's totally going on the opposite direction...

if you ever want end your life for someone else...because you can't have them.....
please tell your MOTHER,..that you want to end your life for someone else...
cause she gave you birth... she brought you into the this world...
she also has the RIGHT to know that the life she brought into this world is ending it's life....
because your mom has only you in these millions of people....

Well..if you can congrats go ahead...
I'm curious...
we can't even face them if we fail an exam...ending our life um....a whole new chapter...
would you be still alive after saying that...ummmm...if you got an asian mom...nevermind

Just want to say(type)please cherish your family ... HAPPY ENDING😁
you are one,no one's like you,enjoy your life,all the best.