

my thoughts on humanity
The changing phases of the world have many new realms to furnish before us. Some of them look promising while others show immense possibilities of learning and uplifting. One such aspect that comes across our lives is humanity. Though being human, there is a general conception that humanity exists by default in us. But this is the biggest hypocrisy that the world is believing today! If seeing a person reeling in pain doesn't affect our conscience, then sadly we are losing on humanitarian grounds. Unlike other qualities, the essence of humanity is quite inbuilt. It's just that we often undermine it under the garb of social prejudice and show-offs.

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We hear so many cases of social and economic disparities in countries. Such situations are prevalent because we as humans have failed to understand and reach out to our fellow species. There is a huge lack of humanity within us, that forces us to create such drastic divides in our society. Helping people for personal gains or photo ops can be theatrically effective but practically it shall never suffice. Humanity comes from the essence of care and affection to our fellow beings. If our thought process always tries to put down and undermine the less powerful or less-resourced, then unfortunately we are drawn in the disease of judgment and prejudice.

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A considerate person shall always think for others as the way he does to himself. Humanity can be a very invaluable possession, only if we wish to practice it with a true heart and soul. When we mold our lives towards others, many hardships of our present life seem less painful. We gain an immense strength of perseverance and grit to face many such challenges in our life.
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