

What would happen if you beacome invisible for one day? Write a poem imagining what you would do with such superpower.

Foremostly, terrified with the power,
Running all around to know if it's true.
Seeing the mirror with no image,
Thoughts came out of the blue.
Am I really invisible or dreaming out of rage,
To escape out of this captivating life's hypocritic cage?
Wishing it to be true, was once a dream of mine,
For when I wanted to cry out all the pains of my life.
But never did it happen, so here I stand amused.
Should I do what I wanted to, standing all confused?
I'll go to different countries, without them seeing me
I'll bring all their secrets and help my country😎😁
Many wishes would come true, if this ever happens,
For what I want to do, will sometimes not happen
Am happy the way I live
Even if it's shabby
With not being invisible,
I'll try to be Happy!!😉
© @snowflake_scifi