

My pink-love
my pink-love
My life was a big storm,
And I was fragile
only a canvas of burns, wounds and scars.
Just a body of meat and bones
No, this wasn't my choice,
You were full of life
And I lost mine somewhere
I was searching for love and you define it.
You were determined to give me your heart
You raised me from the depth of my wandering
And named me " Mr lover"
Give me your best love
Treat me as your own.
Even though a pleasant day was out of your memory.
I am ready to show you true happiness
The beauty of love,
the beauty of life
Abandonment will be far from you.
It will turn out to be a voyage of self-discovery,
Something we needed badly.
You came a moment I needed you badly
I found faith and peace in you.
And above all, I found my treasure in you
"I am an Angel" you said
"And I'm here to steal you from this harsh world"
Yes, ms Angel,you stole my heart ,my soul
Me from myself,
But to me,you were a Real Angel.
Who made me believe in love again.
© Eric Lanor