

Love vs. Arranged: A Quest for Happiness

Love or arranged, which one is right,
A question that's plagued us day and night.
Elders say arranged is the way to go,
While love is a path filled with woe.

But is it really so black and white?
Can't love and arranged both be a delight?
Love gives us a chance to know each other well,
And if things go wrong, we can bid each other farewell.

Arranged marriages come with their own set of perks,
Families unite, and there are no squabbles or quirks.
But what if the couple doesn't see eye to eye,
And the relationship turns sour, causing them to cry?

Love or arranged, which one do we choose?
Both have their advantages, but which one to refuse?
Ultimately, it's up to us to decide,
Which path we want to take, with our hearts as our guide.

So let's not be swayed by what others say,
But choose the path that feels right, come what may.
Whether it's love or arranged, it's our life to lead,
And only we can determine our happiness, indeed.
© sttd1