

You are always on my mind.
You change the way I see.
Put my focus onto Christ.
And pur my eyes of ME!

You have granted me all things.
To live a godly life.
It's only as I yield to grace,
I'll overcome the strife.

That comes from trying to achieve,
Christ-likeness on my own.
You hove me Your promises.
I'll never walk alone.

Sin made me a broken mess.
Perfection's all You see.
You're delighting in YOURSELF.
Your Spirit lives in me!

You see Jesus' righteousness,
And not the time I fail.
You heap no condemnation,
And know that I'm so frail.

You forgive my former sins,
And give the faith I need.
You'll press me to repentance,
And cleanse each evil deed.

You are love; You'll male me love.
You're truth; You'll male me true.
By grace and for Your glory,
You're making me like You.
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