

My Beloved
If wishes were horses.
I'd take a ride on the forces.
To fill up the desires of my innermost.
That gaping space my heart hosts.
Till it runs over and overflows.
And fulfilment this being will know.

With no knowledge of its bitter sweet paste.
In a haste I am not, to taste.
The tree that fills my heart with glee.
In this forest just one I see.
With so ripe the fruits.
Deep and diverse are it's roots.

It's roots my feet did touch.
My wings, its leaves did brush.
The air under my feet now became sand.
For I was made humble and drop to land.
By the tree I now dance around.
Yea! My Beloved I have come to guard.

I sat under his shadow with great delight.
And wished that the day never becomes night.
My heart did I bury deep in it's centre.
With love and faith and hope and prayer.
It's life, our love was made prolong.
And quenched was the longing to belong.

© Leo_kitti