

Overstayed Welcome (Revised)
You were supposed to be a second mother,
You said I was your mini me,
Born to your brother, but I was yours by proxy,
As my aunt you announced,
“I will always protect my family.”
It was a crock of shit,
You help spread lies about my father,
With knowledge of his innocence.
Revictimize me, who’s supposedly like a daughter,
With a false sense of self-righteousness?
Then you have the audacity to act like a martyr?!
You must live in a fabulous, fucked-up, fantasy.
Funny how I still feel sorrier for you, than I do for me.
You were as enchanting as that white wooden archway,
Your thorns hidden behind crimson red roses,
Slithering like a snake you spewed nothing but hate.
I got older and no longer saw through rose colored glasses,
You gave me no choice but to become a verbal assassin.
Twisting and fibbing about my most private violation,
Your God would see this as an act of damnation.
Turning my sexual abuse into a sniping piece,
You didn’t even think about the feelings of your own niece.
Venom dripped from your lips,
You didn’t like my defending honey badger hiss.
You said blood is thicker than water,
At least it was, until you put me as the pig up for slaughter.
It’s an eye for an eye and after thirteen years,
I finally aired out your little dirty situation.
Did you really think I would accept your psychological projection?
I seriously suggest exercising some self-reflection.
This is a problem stemming back for generations,
You need to work on your victim-blaming.
You showed your second face,
It was fate when the others found out you were fake and a flake.
After all this time it’s not just one-character trait that’s wrong
No, it’s your entire personality that’s flawed.
You tend to feel inferior against individuals you can’t manipulate,
or string along.
I hope one day you can get the help you need,
I may be angry, but unlike you I’m not purposefully mean.
Contrary to what you may believe,
My heart is not permanently broken.
It may be a bit damaged but it’s still golden,
Unlike yours, which is lost in time, and frozen.

#Over you

© RoseLevesque