

Am I Crazy?
They say I’m crazy!
But do they know why I’m crazy?
People turn you crazy you just don’t come out born crazy!
They say crazy runs in the family? Is that true or just a myth people tell other people to make them look crazy?
My thoughts run deeper than the bottom of the sea 🌊 Feels like I’m burning 🔥 in hell that’s how deep my thoughts 💭 come to be!
The therapist says everything is fine!
Ooohhhh my mind won’t ease,
My thoughts they bleed,
My heart is as black as the hole to in a deep sea,
My sun doesn’t shine so bright,
My moon is my light,
Dark clouds they Hoover over me,
I can cry a bucket full of tears,
I say to myself no one will know if I disappear!

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