


Unseen chains, that bind me tight,
Invisible threads, a suffocating night.
A fragile cord, yet strong as steel,
Holding me captive, with no reveal.

Silken shackles, that wrap around,
Confining my soul, to a love profound.
A gentle touch, yet unyielding grip,
Trapping my heart, in a loveless rip.

Invisible thread, a mysterious snare,
Entwining me, with no escape to share.
A delicate bond, yet unbreakable tie,
Keeping me bound, until I deny.

My every move, it restricts and guides,
A puppeteer's string, that manipulates and hides.
My thoughts and dreams, it quietly steals,
Leaving me hollow, with secret reveals.

I struggle and strain, to break the hold,
But invisible threads, my efforts unfold.
Like whispers in wind, they softly sway,
Reminding me, I'm bound to stay.

Invisible thread, a love turned cold,
A heart once free, now grows old.
A prisoner of love, with no reprieve,
Longing to break, this invisible leave.

With every breath, I feel its weight,
A constant reminder, of love's cruel fate.
Invisible thread, a bond so strong,
Holding me captive, where I don't belong.

Through shadows dark, it quietly creeps,
A silent stalker, that forever sleeps.
Watching and waiting, with patient eyes,
For the moment, I succumb to its sighs.

Invisible thread, a web of deceit,
A tangled mess, that my heart can't beat.
A love that's lost, yet still it clings,
A toxic bond, that poisonous things.

I yearn to break, this invisible hold,
To shatter chains, that my soul has told.
To rise above, the love that's gone,
To find my voice, and sing my own.

But still it binds, with subtle might,
A gossamer cord, that cuts like a knife in the night.
A heart once whole, now frayed and worn,
A soul trapped tight, in love's invisible form.

Through every test, it stands the trial,
Unbroken and strong, without denial.
A bond that's forged, in love's refining fire,
Invisible thread, my heart's greatest desire.

Yet, I'll find strength, to rise above,
To sever threads, and shatter love.
To emerge free, from this invisible snare,
And find my heart, with love that's truly there.
© victoria