

Miracle of birth
In the quiet onset of contractions
Mild and irregular
a gentle nudge
she gather strength
each weave a pain

With each contraction,
as flower blossom,
Stronger, longer,
a rhythmic cry,
Time suspended,
As the cervix widens,
Fully dilating,
the canvas expands wide,
A masterpiece in womb,
nature's pride,
Guided by nurses,

As the baby's head emerges,
a sight to behold
Amidst the chaos
a ray of hope
The nurse's gentle hands,
Clearing the path for
new life's first stride.

Shoulders follow
As the newborn emerges,
a celestial confession,
Echoes of joy,
a chorus of love,
As mother and child
unite under stars above.

With the baby's arrival,
The uterus contracts,
a bittersweet prose,
As the placenta surrenders,
a final encore,
To the miracle of birth,

© Aboorva