

For Eternal Love!
Sky sent her, from heaven.
The clouds wait for a bursting blitz.
A feminine body lands on Earth! Radiant skin-like morning sun, darkness plait her hair till her core!
Her steps on earth made a jingle,
Their desire for her is like a jungle !!
The wind tried to kiss her,
But her eyes denied touching her!
Butterflies of Romance,
Bees of lust
Wish to sting under her thighs and her waist end!
Birds brew nest as she rambles,
as craves pleasure for,
She shields herself only for,
His Love and His Alone!
She was walking through,
Peebles and roads lead to Him,
Her fragrance of Love,
Thunders the sky,
Waiting and to find Him,
her desire flames more!
At last, the ground is covered by her steps,
Sky holds rain to fall,
but warm soil cannot bare this for long!
She waits for Him.
Ages and ages of the universe
to come and go!!!
Before its end,
She wishes for Him!
As She is for Him and He for Her!!
The burning flames perch on shore!
At last, fate had come,
Her feet touch the waves of the shore,
Thunder starts and desires wave back to raise shore!
Water drizzles on her,
Wetness she comes to learn,
Her waist is full of ocean,
every flower, that blossoms here
For Her to Be His For Sure!
It had,
Tempered for the tempest to come!
He willingly sees her,
Grown as a woman, and
melts His iron core,
As her fingers touch His sand,
Whirlpool and Echo of Desire,
Burst out louder than the thunder!
She lay on a side rock,
Until The Rain sprinkles her a little more.
Wet she, wet sea, waves took Her to Him!
Whole new world,
She witnessed it there!
Her grasping for Air,
Melts His heart evermore!
He caught her for an epoch!
For Him, She arrived,
For Her, He elicited!
The thundering sky, rain falls!
The earth smells Their Romance!
Love from Heaven,
Till the Love of the Earth!
Oh, it's eternal,
As She never goes back to heaven!
© Saranya Anish Nair