

A wish
I wish it was enough.. any of it.
I wish this wish from the deepest hole in my heart and soul
I wanted it so badly to be enough
How can magic turn to poison?
How can something so soft become so hard and refrain from being brittle
How can wishes fall like the browning leaves after spring
Wondering if enough leaves fall... will they bring down with them just one seed
It would have been the best seed
I'm sure of it
There was always more than enough ground for my desires to land on
And not enough lift in the wind...
Or maybe my wishes were never built to fly in the first place
Maybe soon I'll have had enough of the wishing for enough..
Maybe I got enough wishes on the ground..
Maybe together we can just...
Maybe we can work together and...
Man, who am I kidding?
I don't think I'll ever fly
© Kasey Spotanski