

Strength of Desire
Cosmic and silver lined dreams,
More than a castle in the air,
Crisscrossed shade and sunny gleams,
It's time to disconnect from it and travel somewhere else,
keeping the hope high
and steps brave ,
sitting on an enclave ,
the sunset at the horizon,
got me a thought.
if sun can set every day
and rise again the next day,
why can't i learn to get up
post the fall.
haha and
there the journey begins,
sometimes up sometimes down
but each down came with a spike up
because the motive was still strong
and the hope was still same.

1) Problems in life are served to u not to stop your growth but because the creator know's that you will come out of it like a warrior, so trust your abilities and experience the toughest time with a smile on face and active brain.
2) Always remember that "Desire and Willingness can win over the darkest storm and toughest problem ."

© Drashti Buddhadev