

Have you ever been in danger? A life and death situation? Write a poem about the feeling of hurting yourself really bad.

the torture that I put myself through
the things that I have done to myself to just make it threw. the hurt, the feeling of being unloved, the tears, the sorrow, the feelings of you being a huge disappointment.
the pills that I have swallowed,
the knife that has went across my skin as the feeling of resentment in thinking it would make things all better again.
the feeling as I crash my car on purpose thinking I wouldn't live to see tomorrow.
the feeling of overdosing on several drugs and thinking I'll just go to sleep and that'll be that.
the feeling of drinking so much you get alcohol poisoning.
only to wake up the next day feeling worse then you did yesterday.
feelings never go away.
you can never take back the things from your past.
but if you're strong enough to live through all of that.
you'll discover that there is a life in the future.
you'll someday find happiness.
if you find the right path.

© jenniejesterapel