

Licking the wounds of my grafted heart, i realize how thirsty i am
You bit my tongue and tasted my past
Now theres blood all over your teeth
Yet you still pull me in like a moth to a flame

The scarcity of your presence makes my body entirely full
The place where our passion dwells has kept us caged and full of pain
The thought of this only being amorous fills my mouth with a foul taste
I hesitate walking towards you, as my mind is full of endless bubbles wishing to engulf you under my skin

In my dreams, where we laid claim to each other,
I get to feel your fingers dance, tendriled against my own
The mornings after tend to leave me empty, lying there unsteady.

I’ve been yearning for the one who resurrects the love buried deep in my bones
Someday i will find the courage to let you unveil my heart
But for the time being, they’ve still got me trapped behind these silver bars

© zeinaelnady