

Wish I had known a way
to deal with the evil bitches,
They're masked souls in human face
They're so desperate to ruin your life,
The most dangerous creature of the society
They're called NEIGHBOURS.

They know our lives, more than we
Crafting gossips and lies with expertise,
Fueling fires with each whispered breath
Sowing drama and discord of death.

In the food chain of their design,
Women hold Power, malign
Starting fires, with envy's flame
Feeding ego on pain and shame.

Their tongues like serpents, venomous hiss
Injecting poison with treacherous kiss.
In Garden of trust, They sow seeds of doubt.
Thirsty for chaos and drama, They roam about.

Jealousy fueled their wicked game,
Their heart's consumed by superior flame.
They dance on ruins, of friendship's trust
Leaving behind trails of toxic dust.

But fear not their twisted game
Rise above and reclaim your name
Ignore their whispers, their toxic brew
Let kindness be the light, that guides you through.

For They may try, with all their might
To dim your joy, to steal your light
But in the end, it's clear to see
Their darkness fades, while you shine free.

© Enigma