To Lose Weight
To Lose Weight
You can't lose who you really are
To Lose Weight
You use working out to feel alive
To Lose Weight
You're becoming more than a body size
To Lose Weight
You are finding self love
It's not about
losing the weight
It's about the gain
Gaining your happiness
by losing your Insecurities
Be Kind To Your Body
Because Your Body is Kind
To Keep You Alive
© Simply_Ruby Rose
You can't lose who you really are
To Lose Weight
You use working out to feel alive
To Lose Weight
You're becoming more than a body size
To Lose Weight
You are finding self love
It's not about
losing the weight
It's about the gain
Gaining your happiness
by losing your Insecurities
Be Kind To Your Body
Because Your Body is Kind
To Keep You Alive
© Simply_Ruby Rose