

Guess who?
A simple interaction
So simple
So innocent
And yet
You see me
A sly sexy smile
What you don’t see
Is the blood
The horror
The pain
The sexual perversions
The rage
The depravity
The awful fantasy I wish the inflict upon you
You smile back
Maybe timidly
Maybe unsure
I can smell in an instant
I can feel in a heartbeat
You are special
You are weak
I want you
The power
The control
The victim
You are my prey
My sweet reward
I deserve this
I’ve earned this
I will paint the night with your screams
I will destroy you
Not because you made a mistake
Not because I was being truthful
Not because you had any reason to doubt me
A gentle voice
A kind word
A soft smile
Then hell
Just because
I what to…
© Elizabeth Moore