

I met you when I wasn't ready
When you were a mystery
An enigma shrouded'n foggy
Intriguing to me yet risky

Laid my eyes on you
when you weren't ready
Shrugging the weight of the world off you
Finding yourself in a crowded valley

But met we did as the fate hit
And scared I was for you were an angel
Even if you knew you were a devil
And feared the apocalypse at the end

Neither of us was sure
Either of us could've hurt us
But the opposite was what we wished
With every breath that we took

Yet the fate had to intervene
Seeing us happy was not the ideal scene
And the enigma evolved into a web
Caught in it suffocating we died

Even now I wish the fate to be kind
To unravel the mystery woven in fears
To give me a dose of courage
And give us another chance

So now we are damaged
Never to be fixed
In a cycle of crooked fate
Set to repeat without ever a clean slate...
© ryter