

Taking my path
Taking my path even if yours becomes that path.
No remorse, my heart is not torn and nor is it warm.
Denial of defeat.
Do you smell the essence of success on me as I pass by the rest?
Supplied many people with my effort or in other words my limited time.
Rarely was it appreciated, I've been left bloody fallen over I became filthy oh so muddy.
Prowling in poverty I sought to be adept in my mind.
Savage inside, I gaze at the dazzling light to the outer limits I am attentive.
No attention to those doubting.
They are the ones who sob and shiver over everyday losses.
Those are not bosses!
Quite Dearly its costing me much still I'm taking my path.
Keeping my eyes withheld from the past roads.
Its just memory lane valuable moments are ingrained upon my brain.
I'm taking my path even when prosperous blessings have passed.
Aware of my needs for a companion.
I have to ask can you stand on my gruesome path?
Can you trek along with me as I'm taking my path?
Many people just didn't have my back.
They refused to understand me, they stood tall holding the role of not being able to stand me.
It's a petty loss because most of them can't advance me to the man I envision.
Considering the cost and I let them go
Solo days many have and will come.
I'm taking my path all alone until I reach my throne.