

As the end of mowing
There in my hand was reel
Push mower that was a Reel
mower as I push along the
grass in the backyard that was
behind my house inside a well
guarded off the safety fence. In
the middle of the yard sits a
big tall cedar tree that I mow
around It again trying to keep
A straight line. As the Blades
reel, and they kept making
that twisting sound as twist
the grass around then spits
It out into a little Mound that
is left to stay to be kept, and
to lay on the grass where it
has been cut. As if the blades
of the reel push mower was
Making it’s due and so was
I as the reel twisted, and
It kept twisting when it connects
With the grass that is long.
And it kept making this
Rattling sound like it was
Rattled in my hand, and it
Continued to twist, as if it
Was a twisting whisper that
Presiltates a motion of a quick
Snip of grass as I kept going
Down along the lines of the
Grass. As the reel blade that
Are twisting, and connecting
With the grass as few specks
Grass fly out from either side
As I go along with it my hand.
Sometimes it gets stuck, then
I give it a big run at it, and then
It goes again. As the end of
The mowing in the backyard
As I take my reel push mower
And push it back, where it
Can slack for it was tired and
So was I a good exercise for
The spring indeed to have a
Reel mower as this to keep me
Pleasantly happy.
As I put it back where it stays
Put and where it lays up against
The wall of the house that is
Beneath the deck. That is just
Above it, and that is just about
It but somehow though I learned
A value to teach oneself is to
Learn how to get into the dirty

© The realist