

Life cycle
It's a life cycle,
Let's start from the beginning,
When my cute and tiny eyes were twinkling,
I saw for the first time some living creatures,
who were screaming,
In the first few days,
I was in trouble dealing with them,
But soon I became habitual with them,
As I grew, my small world transformed into something big,
I was afraid to talk and work with them,
But after some time,
I was completely ready to handle them all,
Every day, I tried to learn new things,
With my knowledge, I aimed to achieve big deeds,
Life was going well,
Looking seemingly easy,
But with a flip,
my life changed,
Suddenly, I lost my loving one,
With whom I spent most of my time,
With whom I spent half my life,
With tears,
I said goodbye,
Then life lifted towards sacrifice,
I worked hard,
with lots of struggle,
I screamed hard ,
when I sensed myself in trouble,
But no one was there to protect me
no one to motivate me,
I worked from 20 ,
until my retirement age of 60,
During this long period,
I talked to many people,
I met many strangers for the first time in my life,
Day by day, my thoughts changed,
Time by time, my hair color changed,
I worked for a long time,
Now, I have nothing to do,
Trying to spend my time with my family,
Playing with my grandchild to make some good memories,
One day, my heart stopped beating,
My body shook,
Second by second,
I struggled to breathe,
My brain was frozen,
trying to force me to remember the good moments of my life,
My journey from starting at letter A,
was ending at letter Z,
I saw many people when I opened my tiny eyes, Now, I am closing my aged eyes with no one near me,
It's a life cycle!!!!!
© the juniors