

Attack Vector
Humming along at line speed
Handling traffic at edge
Hosting data for clientele
Halting never by SLA

DNS encrypted from prying eye
Data at rest secured by key
Defense in depth throughout
Dwindling worry about cloud

Certifcates rotated on the regular
Chatbot hardened from exploit
Containers all TLS cipher routes
Conventional risks unencumbered

Passwords replaced with Face ID
Physicall presence all VPN in
Passive logons all SOC guaranteed
Persistent threat surface razor thin

Adversary analysis year over year
Access impenetrable by technical means
Allowing only known locale
A perfect design except one hole

Steve works nights as level 3 support
Shifting resources on shared console
Studying to become something more
Spending slow hours snoozing hard

Morning comes he gets the call
Mother is ill in country back home
Make sure to visit the hospital website
Move all your info into the form

Not fooled the tab is closed
Name marked as phish and gone
Nothing regardless with MFA
Nefarious actors kept at bay

Going home in Chevrolet
Gun brandished codes given away
Glass broken and keys displaced
Gates holding but open instead

Information encrypted and filed away
Incident reported authorities on way
Island of security with human stay
IT assurance only as good as thugs say