

Crush O' mine
I saw you first time at college,
And found you're my senior from the same stream,
You're performing a song,
And I keep watching you without
Blinking my eye.
And I was not the only one
Who become injured by your charm.
You become the hot topic in our girl's gang.

We always stare at you, when you're with your boys.
You're smiling, the way you set your hair,
When you pass by from in front of us,
We become the smiling statue,
holding our eye on you.😝
But when you finished college,
You become the new moon to us,
I feel sad thinking that,
I'll never go to get a chance to see you again.
It's like I had everything till yesterday,
But nothing left today.

Then again one day, surprisingly, unexpectedly,
I saw you in my locality,
You were there, maybe with your mom or sister,
Helping them with their business,
Every time I left for college,
With the feeling of happiness,
Hoping to see you once,
My eyes searched you in the same place,
It's become my daily routine to watch you while going my college,
Whenever I saw you I feel my day become worthy,
But then again you disappeared from there also.
Then I realised that something in life is just for the eyes to look at but not to keep in your heart or life.

After that, I saw him many times,
But in his world,
And I'm sure that he doesn't even know the girl like me exist in this world and admired him.
© suza