

She was summer hues~
She was summertime hues
while he was the midnight rain
one insanely in love with his gloom
one defying her ligh infusing his veins.

His soul was stoic; abiding wounds
she’s abound with undying sunshine
She roots for goodness; even in misery
He tend layers around his heart divine.

However, they both have a heart of gold
stabbed ‘neath the made up skin
one has immortalized her pain untold
one has encased it after the cage of sins

There’s still one thing their heart desires
the warmth of caresses and intimacy—
A passionate love of deep devotion
To worship, to belong, to get their heads down the knee.

He was the cold midnight rain
and the hues let their shades to drown
yet inside every person you know,
lives a person that you don’t...


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